Principal's Message
Welcome to East Middle School!
We hope you and your family had a great summer. We are so happy for you to be a part of our Ram Family!
It’s our intent for East to be one of the finest schools in our region, state, and in our country. As part of that quest we expect every student to gain at least a year of academic growth. In that partnership we expect students to have a strong academic commitment, to attend at least as well as our average student which is at a minimum of attending 92% of the time. We hope for all of our students to attend like our best students (our NJHS inductees), who have an average attendance rate of 96%.
Our teachers are committed to providing some of the best instruction in the nation. All of our teachers follow an instructional framework and teach using best practices and approved lesson structure. In part, that is how we assure a year's growth for a student who attends and partners in their own learning while they are with us. Our excellent teachers are committed to taking care of students socially, emotionally, and behaviorally when needed. We do our best to help students navigate their middle school experience. We have the goal of our students being independent, self-directed, and partners in their education. We understand each student will attain different levels of independence in these areas.
Additionally, we are committed to students becoming positive contributing members of our school in terms of citizenship. To do that we’ve implemented a standard of cultural beliefs we want every student to follow. These are attributes of citizenship are community expectations, and this set of virtues that extend to both staff and students alike.
Again, welcome to the RAM FAMILY. We look forward to partnering with you and doing our very best to make middle school a very positive experience for our students, families, and to benefit on many levels to our community.
Brad Barringer
EMS Principal
Reannon Medrano
EMS Associate Principal
Jolena Hinchman
Administrative Intern